
Playing for change

Playing for Change es un proyecto que considera la música no solo como lenguaje universal sino como un medio para conectar y promover la paz. Con la firme convicción de que la música puede unirnos como habitantes del mismo planeta, recorren el mundo en busca de músicos, grabando su talento en ambientes que les permitan expresarse libremente.

Al principio solo querían compartir música con el mundo, pero vieron que no era suficiente y decidieron crear una manera de ayudar a los músicos y sus comunidades a través de la asociación sin ánimo de lucro Playing for Change Foundation que fomenta y apoya la creación de escuelas de arte y música.

Les comparto algunos de los videos de su canal de Youtube, destacando el trabajo realizado con grandes artistas colombianos.

Playing for Change is a project that consider music not only as an universal language  but also as a way to conect and promote peace. With the strong conviction that music can unite us as one human race, they travel around the world looking for musicians, recording their talent in enviroments in wich they could express freely.

At the begining they just wanted to share music with the world, but then they saw that it was not enough so they decided to create a way to help musicians and their communities through Playing for Change Foundation a nonprofit asociation that promote and support the build of art and music schools.

I share with you some videos from Playing for Change Youtube channel, highlighting the work made with greats colombian artist.

El próximo 22 de septiembre se celebra el "Playing for Change Day" alrededor del mundo. Visita http://www.pfcday.org/ para encontrar la programación en cada país.

On 22nd September they going to celebrate "Playing for Change Day" around the world. Visit http://www.pfcday.org/ to find programming in each country.


Keep calm and...

Muchas son las versiones que se han generado a partir de la frase "keep calm and carry on", y gracias a Internet su difusión y popularidad es mayor.

El siguiente video muestra la historia detrás de este famoso e inspirador poster diseñado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Los invito a verlo y a pensar en su propio "keep calm and ...".

There are many versions that have been created from the phrase "keep calm and carry on" and now its popularity and spread is greater thanks to Internet.

The following video shows the story behind this inspiring and famous poster designed in the Second World War. I invite you to watch this video and think in your own "keep calm and..." version.

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